Tuesday, February 12, 2008


To say we've had a restful last couple of days would be a lie. Stoney has had a bad toothache since Friday, and has woke either Brett or myself up each night crying and needing medicine. When you're only getting a few hours a sleep a night it makes for long days but you sure hate to see you kid in pain - not fun.

We were finally able to get him into the dentist yesterday. It was a pediatric dentist and you would have thought we walked into the kids fun center. There were HUGE excercise balls all over the place, kids music, "love seats" the kids could fall and climb on. It was kid heaven! I had Peity & Brody with me so while Stoney was being seen, the dental assistants took them into the "theater room" where they got to watch a movie, color, and just plain have a great time! They also were given cookie cutters and a recipe for sugar cookies since valentines day was coming up. They all thought they had died and gone to heaven. That is until Stoney was seen by the dentist.

One poke on his tooth and gum and Stoney was thrown for a painful loop. He had an abcess on a tooth that had a filling on it. The dentist said it needed to come out but that they had to get on top of the infection first. He prescribed antibiotics and come Tylenol w/Codeine - The parents drug of choice for their kids if they want to get some sleep.

Stoney was feeling bummed because today the 4th graders at his school were all leaving to go skiing at Beaver Mtn. Stoney was especially excited because his dad was going to be one of the chaperones and Stoney would have hated to miss out. We asked the dentist the possibility of him going skiing and he said it would be a good chance, especially if he could get a full three doses of antibiotic and pain med in him. Stoney was ELATED!

We had a rough day yesterday, and the 1st dose of pain med's actually made him sick and he puked. But it actually was what he needed. He was able to eat and keep things down after that, and this morning he woke up a different kid. He got all his things ready and off to Beaver Mtn. my two rugged men went. Excited as little kids. Boy what a difference some sleep and antibiotics do. Now we'll see how he does next week when he gets 3 teeth pulled?