Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So, even though this is posted on the same day as our our very first ever blog post, I had to share these pictures, and video clips, as they were just too darn precious to leave in the dark realms of my camera. Maybe with this blog, I will use my camera more and share pictures and clips of a day in the life of my proSperity. Hey, it could happen.

Peity & Brody took their weekly bath (just kidding, it's their bi-weekly bathtime :o)). Peity is our princess so her hair has to be just right. Everytime she gets out of the tub she has to wrap her head in the "after-bath turban." Check out those eyes man!

Later on, as I was completely consumed and reveling in the opportunity that we now have internet, and as I was trying to make this Blog spot fabulously beautiful, Peity & Brody were watching "Super Why," one of my FAVORITE kids shows ever (really)! Peity, as you will see, tries to give her rendition of "The Tortoise & the Hair" but gets a little sidetracked as she becomes completely engrossed and captivated in how "Princess Pea" is telling it. Well, I don't need to tell you, you can see for your self. Seeing life thru the eyes of a child... PRICELESS!