Tuesday, October 14, 2008


This weekend was spent in the beautiful mountains in Park City, UT. I was lucky enough to attend The Brothers National Retreat for Mary Kay! Before I went I was having a little pity party and really not wanting to go. Thank goodness I have a husband who, at times, knows better than me, kissed me, and kicked my booty out the door! Man, I love that man!

I listened to speakers who are EXTREMELY successful in Mary Kay. They taught us (over 250 women) how, we too, can be successful if we are willing to "get our hands dirty" by working hard, and NEVER GIVING UP! It was also spent raising money for The Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation, which gives money for cancer research, as well as giving towards helping women & children affected by domestic abuse. What a great cause!

I learned that even though the confidence or belief level in yourself isn't quite where it should be, you can lean on your team leader's until the belief in yourself comes. This has been my main area of struggle. This was the #1 reason I joined with this WONDERFUL company, to build my self-confidence & belief in myself. It has been a slow journey, but it's getting there.

New friendships were built during this weekend, also. My friend & sponsoring director, Arianne Morgon, had the insight to put me in a room with a fellow director/friend of hers, Michelle Hughes. I was able to stay with several women within her organization, and we instantly bonded. I was able to attend things that had I not been in this room, I would not have had the privedlege to attend. IT WAS AWESOME!

During one of the evenings, we learned about "Dressing for Success." How to look your best, not only by the way you dress, but by the way you wear your hair. There was a fashion show, which I was lucky enough to be a part of. I was able to have a professional fashion designer pick clothes out just for me that would help me look more professional, and if you know me, I needed all the help I could get. According to all my friends, I looked GREAT, but I so wasn't use to wearing jeans & high heeled boots & DANGLY EARINGS. I sort of felt like a bloated Hoochie Mama, and was waiting for someone to ask me how much I charched. :P Then, me, along with several of my other friends strutted our stuff in front of over 250 women! It was AWESOME (I think)!

One of the highlights during the weekend was to see the transformation of one of my new friends, Colleen Beller. This woman went from a beautiful women with LONG, LONG hair, to a HOT, SEXY WOMAN with a very updated, professional style that totally enhanced her facial features. She looked AMAZING! One of our roomies, Alex Messerly is a great stylist, and was able to help her feel comfortable about making this BIG change! I can't believe the change, and she was even able to donate her hair to locks of love!

Yes, this was a well need weekend get-a-way! One that was needed not only for the outside, but more importantly, for the inside too. I just need to apply what I heard & get out of my own way & get my butt moving. So.....

Monday, October 6, 2008

facebooking - An Addiction

Who ever hasn't facebooked hasn't lived. I discovered it, oh, I don't know sometime back in April or May. When I first joined, I actually thought it was pretty dumb, and I mainly did it cause some of the YW in Colorado had told me about it. My daughter also became a member, so I got on to make sure it was a good site for her to be a part of.

Well, I think I need to start up an fba (facebooking anonamous) group. I swear, it is truly addicting. You think you're gonna get on for just a bit, but then you want to see if anyone knew has joined facebook, you need to look at all your friends pictures and of course comment on them, you need to accept the friend requests that come in, and you need to chat with those facebook friends who are online at the moment. HOLY CRAP! It takes all day to accomplish this. I guess this is why my house looks the way it does and my kids are complaining that they don't have any clean underwear.

I guess I need to do what others do when they have a true addiction - QUIT! COLD TURKEY! I mean, isn't this why blogging was set up? Don't we catch up on those we chat with through our lovely blogs we spend so much time creating & adding to?

But there's just something different about facebooking. I don't quite know what it is, but it's there, and I swear it calls out my name each time I pass by my computer saying, "Cammie, I have a friend for you, don't you want to see who it is? Come on, it will only take a second." And then, wham, it has you reeled in for hours at a time.

Well, no more. I'm putting my foot down right now! I am only going to allow myself to facebook once a month. When that day comes, then I will only be on for 10-minutes. That should do it, that should cut the urge, and fill a need as well. So, anyone else who is feeling the addiction of facebooking, may I challenge you all to do the same thing. Let's ban together and cut this addiction before someone gets hurt.

Oh, who am I kidding, facebook is awesome, and I guess I just have to continue living in filth, cause well, when it comes to friends, you can never have enough - right? Please say yes!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So, summer has now been over for 6-weeks, or should I say the kids have been in school for 6-weeks. Time to get back to my blogging. Sad to say that summer time gets to busy to sit down and blog for 5-min. at a time, especially when this is the time to get a lot of your greatest memories down, but hey, I'm only human, so shoot me.

Summertime seem to have flown by in the blink of an eye. We had a great summer, especially since we live closer to family. We spent a lot of time down in Utah County so our kids could play with their gazillion cousins. It was fun to be able to spend more "holiday time" with family as well.

We didn't really go on any vacations especially with the cost of gas the way it is, but we hung out and created memories of our own. The kids claimed to have read each day, which as all parents know is a total load of unmentionables. They should just say, "Mom, I've had a successful summer because my I.Q. dropped a full point!" Then I can say, "Well done my child, you have lived the summer life to the fullest!"

Although summer time is a well deserved vacation for parents and kids alike, I also think they should just keep it going year round because the first 3-months are spent reviewing everything they learned from the previous year, since it's all forgotten over the course of summer vacation.

As a family we spent time at Lagoon, at one of our friends cabins, going camping with friends, watching the kids play different sport (baseball, soccer, and softball), and best of all, watching our 8-year old son, Gunner be baptized and become a new member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint.

These are just of few of the great summer events to took place, and now it's time to get back into the swing of life. So, to all my fellow bloggers who have been so diligent and didn't let summer vacations or life get in their way - Here's to blogging.