Thursday, March 27, 2008

Kissed By The Sun!

To say that I wear makeup would be telling a HUGE lie. In almost 18-years of marriage I have literally spent no more than $75 on makeup, but last week I spent that much in one big selfish splurg! I only end up wearing makeup on Sunday's. I do this for two reasons, 1. Because I hate the makeup I have. 2. So that during the week, Brett will look at me and think I'm beautiful, and then when Sunday rolls around, I walk out to head to church and smile as his jaw hits the floor because he thinks I'm the HOTTEST BABE that has ever walked the eart.

It's not so much that I hate makeup, cause I see some women with makeup on who look beautiful, and sometimes I wish I could look like that. But then I remember how much time it probably took to look like that and the thought of wearing makeup is gone in a flash. If anything takes longer than 6-min. to apply, it's so not worth it in my mind. I have too many things I need to put my time to instead of applying makeup. That is why my hair is massively short so that I can shower, blow dry, apply a little product and be done in under 5 min. LOVE IT!

The only makeup I have ever really wanted to buy was makeup from BareMinerals. I've seen it advertised several times on the internet and thought it sounded so great! All you had to do was "SWIRL, TAP, & BUFF". There's no heavy creams or liquid's, just a tiny bit of all natural powders and you'r done. I thought, "Now that's my kind of makeup!"

I've wanted this stuff for the past couple years, but could never bring myself to make the call. Then, as I was reading my friend Xochi's blog, I was looking at her favorite things list and low & behold there was a link to the stuff. I took this as a "sign" so I clicked and ordered.

It came yesterday, and today I used it for the first time! Let me tell you, it's as AWESOME as they say it is. I love it! It took me all of about 10-min. to apply, but that time will drop since I now know what I'm doing and don't have to read the instructions.

I decided to put it on my mom to see how she would look, and holy cow, it was amazing! She's 74-years old and looks great for her age, but she does have aged skin, and has the broken capillaries on her cheeks and stuff. It totally covered it all, and it didn't even look like she was wearing makeup!

I look like I've been KISSED BY THE SUN!!! If it's really this easy, I may just look like a SUPER HOT BABE from here on out! Thanks Xoch for having it on your blog - Love Ya! Yeah for BareEscentuals!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Catching Up

It's been a while since I've been able to posts due to the fact that our computer decided to go "postal" so I will try and get myself caught up on what's been going on in our family's life.

Woman in the Tortilla Mask!

We have a lot of crazy, fun times at our home, and as you can see it doesn't cost a whole lot of $, nor does it take much to create these fun times. We are able to find fun with what ever seems to be laying around. To make this amazing, yet creative craft all you need is a flour tortilla, some good chompers, and a know-how of where face features should go, and wham there you have it, a fun tortilla mask! Make your own today!


One of the best things that has happened for Stoney since we moved here was to make it onto his class's geography team. He competed against all the students in his class for 1 of the 7 spots and made it! He was so excited! For the past 6-weeks, the team - TEAM EXTREME! - has studied everyday, learning all about the geography of the world (landforms, flags, states, capitals, continents, fyi's, etc.) This was great for me because many of the things he was learning I didn't know. The whole 6-weeks of studying built up to a competition between all the 4th grade geography teams in Providence Elementary, and the winner of that competition would go on to compete against schools through out the district, and then throughout the state, so it was a pretty big deal for them all.

This past Thursday, March 20, was the big day! Stoney was excited but nervous. They were 2 "quarters" in the competition, each quarter had 15 questions. The first 15 questions Stoney knew all but 2 of the questions, and by the end of the first quarter, TEAM EXTREME! was in the lead, but not by much (86 pts., 85 pts., 84 pts., & 83 pts.)

The next quarter started, and these questions were a little more difficult. All the teams did great, and Stoney tried his hardest along with his teammates. When it was all over, TEAM EXTREME! took 3rd place. They were 4 points away from the 1st place team. According to the principal, this was the closest, and highest scoring Geography Bowl the school had ever had.

Stoney was bummed that his team wasn't able to move on to the next level of competition, but he had a great time, really learned a lot, and most importantly it helped him gain confidence moving into a new school. He did great! Great job Stone! We Love You!


We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful Easter than today! It was sunny, and in the 50's! It wasn't necessarily shorts weather, but we didn't have to be bundled up either. The kids were able to play outside and not have to wear boots or gloves. YEAH! Maybe spring really is on it's way.

Our Easter morning started out with Brody waking up, walking out of his bedroom door, noticing the "bunny droppings that were strewn all over the floor, and with a big smile on his face said, "This is AMAZING!" We then let the kids have a healthy breakfast of Candy, Candy, and more Candy! We have got the be either the world's best or worst parents. After you check out the video of Brody eating a Sour Patch Kid it might help you make up your mind.

After the traditional easter egg hunt, and having the kids rumage through all their Easter Basket Fodder, we turned the conversation to where and what it needed to be about - our Savior, Jesus Christ.

We asked each of the kids what Easter meant to them. It was interesting to hear their own responses and how it changed as we went from the youngest to the oldest. when I asked Peity what Easter meant to her she said it meant Jesus died. Brody heard this and said, "Jesus died! I love Jesus!" (if you listen closely to the video, you'll be able to hear it.) It was quite touching, because in his own little 4-year old way, he gave his explanation and testimony of what Easter meant to him.

We attended church and got to hear some wonderful talks about Christ and the sacrifice he made for all of us. We were then able to enjoy family company as my mom, and my brother Evan and his family were here to celebrate with us.

Just like Christmas, Easter lets us truly focus on and appreciate all that our Savior has done for us. It was a wonderful day! I'm grateful for all my Savior has done for me, and that he sacrificed everything so that we all can be resurrected and be together as a family forever!

"Mature" Rated Computer!

It's been a while since I've posted and I have a perfectly good reason... My computer decided to go become a "Mature Audience Only" computer!

It first started a few weeks ago, where it began to run pretty slow. We weren't sure of the reason and it wasn't really doing anything "funny" so we didn't think too much of it. Then we started getting warning that our computer was at risk for viruses. I ran a scan with the security software I had, and according to the software said they had cleaned everything up. Boy was it wrong!

It then began telling me that we were at risk for spyware. I wasn't quite sure of what spyware was, but I was looking for ways to get rid of it when "WHAM!" up pops some of the most aweful pictures I have seen! I was able to stop it, and we didn't use it for a few days. I was still looking for ways to get rid of it.

A few days later, I turned it on, again, the same warnings popped up. I thought I had found the right antispyware to download, when one window of the same stuff as the last time began popping up. I couldn't close them all fast enough. We were so worried that one of the kids would turn it on and see these pictures so we hid the computer until we could take it in to an expert. We were also worried that our identity had been compromised because of some things that were done, so we had to change some things at our bank as well. What a pain!

After 3 days, our computer was back to normal health. It was totally infected with some horrible spyware, and it was hid throughout the computer. The computer "doctors" brought it back to life and here we are... YEAH! Our computer is now back to being "G-Rated!"

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Who Knew I Lived In A Wildlife Reserve?

Seeing the beauty of nature and the wonder of wildlife is beautiful, but stepping in it isn't quite as lovely!

Living in Colorado was great over the past 5-years because we got to see wildlife you wouldn't normally see in town, like foxes (is that right?) and hundreds of Canadian Geese that fly overhead almost daily. It was really neat. but today, we got a bird's-eye view of nature close up.

Throughout the winter, you had to watch your step in our backyard due to the large piles of deer "skat" left all over. We wonder if our backyard was used as a "nesting" place for a couple head of deer when they would nest for the night, but we had yet to see any. That all changed today.

While Brett and I were fine tuning our Sunday School Lessons Cassidey suddenly yelled, "Deer!" We looked out our Living Room Window, and sure enough there were two deer, what looked to be a Mama Doe and her Yearling, walking into our yard! They were very cautious and walked very slow as they took their time making their way to our backyard.
We wondered if this happened to be at least some of the deer who had been making themselves comfortable in our backyard. We all watched them, quietly peeking from behind the blinds in our family room and kitchen. They looked directly at us a couple times but kept walking around.

They stayed in our yard for about 15-min., and then took off running & leaping off across our other neighbors yards, and then across the street, out of sight. The kids thought it was the greatest thing to see deer so close up, and Brett and I thought it was a treat as well. I was able to catch a few photos of them. I love living close to the mountains and all the "pluses" that come with it!

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Mark of Zorro Isn't Always A Good Thing!

The legendary character of Zorro and the mark he leaves to those who need a lesson taught to them has come to be known as a sign of comfort and safety among people, but not in my case.

A few days ago I was discussing the newly acquired bags under my eyes with my wonderful husband. These bags are not things that I packed when I moved from Colorado, no, they came all on their own, shipper unknown. I woke up one morning and "WHAM!" there they were! I kid you not! Once in a while, I've had bags under my eye, but again, only once in a blue moon and that was when I have stayed up really late or didn't get much sleep the night before. But now, these succers are determined to stay. It doesn't matter what time I go to bed or how much sleep I get, the puffy, over-packed things are always there, and they last almost all day. I can't stand it!

As I mentioned, I was discussing this fact with Brett when he so lovingly said, "Yes, I've noticed. You have definate crows feet on your eyes, and a really cute mark under one of your eyes that looks like the mark of Zorro." Did he think I was suppose to take that as a tender remark? I mean seriously, I use to look a lot younger than my age, but now.... Holy CRAP! I look like I could be a grandma.

I use to laugh at the commercials the advertised the eye cream or the "filler" creams, and I would think you had to be pretty vain to buy those expensive creams. Well..... guess what! I am now that vain person. I need some major eye cream. Not necessarily a filler, but one that plumps out my wrinkles and shrinks my eye luggages that has so rudely decided to hang around. Who know, I might even try some hemorrhod ointment on those bags to see if it will shrink 'em up! :p I'll let you know how it works out. :o)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Cool New Addition!

So as I was scrolling through and coveting several blogs, how they look, their designs, colors, ideas, etc., and wishing mine could be like more like theirs, I came across a cool tool from It's a Guestbook.

It lets anyone "sign" it and add where they are from. It's especially cool for people like me because if enough people sign it, then it makes me feel like I have TONS of friends from all over! It might work as an instant boost to my self-esteme.

So, scroll down to the bottom of my blog and add your name to my Guestbook Map. Add a picture too if possible. Enjoy. I can't wait to see this guestbook grow!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Ahhhhh, life with a teenager! Never before have I felt such tranquility, such peacefulness, such love, SUCH STRONG FEELINGS TO STRANGLE MY OLDEST OFFSPRING! ;p Today happened to be one of those days.

Don't get me wrong, we love our 13-year old with all our heart and soul, she really is a great kid! But then there are times when suddenly without notice the Terrible Teenage Troll appears, takes over her body, and we don't know who or what we're talking to. Her face becomes distorted, there is great gnashing of teeth, her words begin spilling out of her mouth in a high-pitched, ear piercing tone with vocabulary that makes her feel older than she is but yet makes her sound younger than her youngest sibling (who happens to be 4.) And in a blink-of-an-eye, the fearsome troll disappears and our sweet, innocent, playful daughter reemerges and life is good again for another brief second in time. Nothing is ever her fault, and things always seem to go to hell-in-a-handbasket whenever she is overtaken by the gruesome troll - let me tell you, it's AWESOME!

I'm thinking my monthly hair budget will soon be increasing since I will be getting frequent hair colorings to cover up the gray hair I will be growing over the next few years! What am I saying, few years? Try the next 15 years since that is when our youngest will reach the last of the teenage years. OH, HEAVEN HELP ME!

Thursday, March 6, 2008



Brody's Birthday was on March 1st. We were in East Canyon at the time, so we got to celebrate it with family. We had cake and ice cream, but we decided to holdoff giving Brody his main Birthday Gift until we got home. Up at East Canyon we spent his birthday on the sledding hill, which he LOVED! He became brave enough that he didn't wait for Mom or Dad to go with him. If he saw an empty tube or sled (whether it be ours or not) he would hop on and down the hill he went, giggling and laughing. It was quite the sight! I can't wait to sare pictures of these as soon as Brett's dad gets them to us.
For his birthday, he got come K-nex building blocks, which says that it is for ages 3 & above, but after looking at the directions and seeing all the small pieces, it must of been a type-o, or else it meant 3 decades instead of years cause even Stoney, who is 9 was having a hard time putting things together.
He also got a new big wheel, and because we're so rich (:p) we splurged and bought a radio flyer brand. Actually we got it because it was the only big wheel we could find. What's up with that? Don't you remember when we were all kids how popular big wheels were? You could find them anywhere. Our family growing up went through big wheels like they were water. We were even riding them when we were teenagers, and for one of my brothers, he would have races down Provo Canyon at midnight when he was in high school. Well, I guess the days of the sturdy big wheels are gone, cause they are so hard to find now, and when you do find a nice one, they cost an arm and a leg. Oh well, Brody's having fun (along with the rest of the kids), and we thought this might be a better way to teach him how to peddle and use his tiny little muscles.

For someone who has been in this country for only 21-months he's really caught on to the whole birthday thing. Ever since his birthday, he wakes usp screaming, "It's my birthday! Where's my presents?" Seriously, where did he learn that!

He hasn't quite figured out that he is 4 now instead of 3, but that's o.k. We're just happy he's here and a part of our family. He had changed so much over the past 21-months, he really isn't the same kid that was standing in front of our door in Inner Mongolia.

We're so happy he's part of our family! He adds so much to the diversity of our family. Happy birthday big guy!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Winter at East Canyon!

Oh, the joys of spending a winter vacation at East Canyon!

I have been vacationing with Brett & his family at their timeshare since Brett and I were dating. We spend a few days in summertime, a few days in winter, as well as attend a few family reunions. There's about a gazillion kids, lots of snacks, diet Coke, card games, and movies. During the winter, if you're lucky enough to be 16 or older you get to take a dip in the hot tub. Ahhhhh, East Canyon, with its majestic mountain scenery brings with it lots of fun family memories. Here's our latest:

Of course, I forgot my camera, so I was unable to take pictures of the fun time we had, so now I'll have to wait for Brett's dad to pass along the pictures he took. Anyway, this winter "holiday" was spent with a smaller group this time. This year we actually had a TON of snow so sledding was the activity of choice for the kids (if we could get them away from the Wii long enough).

We laughed, A LOT, talked, played "Playground" on the Wii, and DDR, where we really got to shake our groove thang, and had an "adult only" dip in the jacuzzi, until it was raided by a group of 16-year olds that were having a "sweet-16" birthday party. So a hot tub that was almost overflowing with 10 large adults was now flooding with 8 sixteen year old girls clad in "itsy-bitsy-teeney-weeney - well you get the drift," who thought they were all that and a bag of chips! Needless to say, there wasn't much room to move around. The best part of this "activity" was when Brett got a few "Happy Birthday to Me!" surprises from one of the young girls sat on his lap a few times! It was quite comical.

We did have a great time, but it's always fun to come home as well. We now get to sleep in a real bed, not one that is covered with plastic for the "oops" times, and the kids won't be on a 24-hour sugar rush.

Ahhhh, East Canyon! It's truly a vacationing oasis! :P