It's been a while since I've been able to posts due to the fact that our computer decided to go "postal" so I will try and get myself caught up on what's been going on in our family's life.
Woman in the Tortilla Mask!
We have a lot of crazy, fun times at our home, and as you can see it doesn't cost a whole lot of $, nor does it take much to create these fun times. We are able to find fun with what ever seems to be laying around. To make this amazing, yet creative craft all you need is a flour tortilla, some good chompers, and a know-how of where face features should go, and wham there you have it, a fun tortilla mask! Make your own today!
TEAM EXTREME!One of the best things that has happened for Stoney since we moved here was to make it onto his class's geography team. He competed against all the students in his class for 1 of the 7 spots and made it! He was so excited! For the past 6-weeks, the team - TEAM EXTREME! - has studied everyday, learning all about the geography of the world (landforms, flags, states, capitals, continents, fyi's, etc.) This was great for me because many of the things he was learning I didn't know. The whole 6-weeks of studying built up to a competition between all the 4th grade geography teams in Providence Elementary, and the winner of that competition would go on to compete against schools through out the district, and then throughout the state, so it was a pretty big deal for them all.
This past Thursday, March 20, was the big day! Stoney was excited but nervous. They were 2 "quarters" in the competition, each quarter had 15 questions. The first 15 questions Stoney knew all but 2 of the questions, and by the end of the first quarter, TEAM EXTREME! was in the lead, but not by much (86 pts., 85 pts., 84 pts., & 83 pts.)
The next quarter started, and these questions were a little more difficult. All the teams did great, and Stoney tried his hardest along with his teammates. When it was all over, TEAM EXTREME! took 3rd place. They were 4 points away from the 1st place team. According to the principal, this was the closest, and highest scoring Geography Bowl the school had ever had.
Stoney was bummed that his team wasn't able to move on to the next level of competition, but he had a great time, really learned a lot, and most importantly it helped him gain confidence moving into a new school. He did great! Great job Stone! We Love You!
We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful Easter than today! It was sunny, and in the 50's! It
wasn't necessarily shorts weather, but we didn't have to be bundled up either. The kids were able to play outside and not have to wear boots or gloves. YEAH! Maybe spring really is on it's way.
Our Easter morning started out with Brody waking up, walking out of his bedroom door, noticing the "bunny droppings that were strewn all over the floor, and with a big smile on his face said, "This is AMAZING!" We then let the kids have a healthy breakfast of Candy, Candy, and more Candy! We have got the be either the world's best or worst parents. After you check out the video of Brody eating a Sour Patch Kid it might help you make up your mind.
After the traditional easter egg hunt, and having the kids rumage through all their Easter Basket Fodder, we turned the conversation to where and what it needed to be about - our Savior, Jesus Christ.
We asked each of the kids what Easter meant to them. It was interesting to hear their own responses and how it changed as we went from the youngest to the oldest. when I asked Peity what Easter meant to her she said it meant Jesus died. Brody heard this and said, "Jesus died! I love Jesus!" (if you listen closely to the video, you'll be able to hear it.) It was quite touching, because in his own little 4-year old way, he gave his explanation and testimony of what Easter meant to him.
We attended church and got to hear some wonderful talks about Christ and the sacrifice he made for all of us. We were then able to enjoy family company as my mom, and my brother Evan and his family were here to celebrate with us.
Just like Christmas, Easter lets us truly focus on and appreciate all that our Savior has done for us. It was a wonderful day! I'm grateful for all my Savior has done for me, and that he sacrificed everything so that we all can be resurrected and be together as a family forever!
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