Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Shout Praise to the Internet God!


Can it be? We have been without internet access for 7-weeks now, and as of 6:48 pm last night, we have now reached civilization. I swear, it takes going without the internet to make you realize how much your feel like a caveman. I never realized how much I used the internet until we were unable to access it.

Since our move to Utah back in December, our whole "transferring of services" has been nothing but a nightmare. For those of you who truly know our family, we have moved a gazillion times, and within those gazillion times we have never had a problem transferring our utilities, such as phone, television, heating, electricity, etc. Well, this goes to show you never say never cause as soon as you do all heck breaks loose.

The worst of our service transfers has come thru Qwest. To save you from a massively long explanation, just know that we cancelled many of our "bundled services" with them and looked else where. And now, we are in the land of the living again.

All I can say for today is... Yeah for the internet! I'm going to be vegging in front of the computer all day, catching up on all the "surfing" I've been missing for 51-days!