Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Ahhhhh, the Bartholomew's! - Brian, Jozianne, Andrea, Jane & Emily! These are some of our most favorite people ever and they happen to be our best friends!Since our move from Colorado to Utah 3 months ago we have missed them soooooo much. Our families get along so well, and Jozianne and I are like sisters! Man I love that gal! Well, this past week we are lucky enough to have them spend a few days with us.

We decided to go to Eden (just outside of Ogden) to Wolf Mountain Wyndham Resort. Although it was cold and snowy we all had a great time sitting around playing games, eating, laughing, playing the Wii, wrestling, playing raquetball, pool, staying up late, and just plain having a good time.

On Saturday, Jozianne and I were able to take Emily & Cassidey to the General YW Broadcast. Jozianne had gotten us tickets to attend it live at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City. I had never been there before and was not prepared to see the immenseness of the conference room. If I remember right, the conference center seats over 100,000 people. It's incredible.

We were able to hear from the General YW's Board (Sis's. Susan W. Tanner - Pres., Elaine S. Dalton - 1st Coun., Mary N. Cook - 2nd Coun.) as well as from Pres. Henry B. Eyring (1st Coun. to Pres. Monson). The theme for this year's meeting is "I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable" (Mosiah 5:15). The spoke of standing strong in the face of adversity and temptations. To have the light from within to guide and direct us in the way God and Jesus Christ would want us to go. They were wonderful talks, as well as inspired words which Heavenly Father wanted his daughters to hear. It was a special night to spend with Cassidey and to bond with her and spend some quality time together.

After the broadcast, we went to a place called "Spoon Me." It was sort of like an ice cream place, but the "ice cream" was nothing I've ever tasted before. It's kind of like a very tart sorbet that is very, very cold. Apparently they say this "treat" comes from the asci (ahh - sigh - ee) berry found in the rainforests of Brazil. They say it has a lot of antioxydents so it's actually healthy for you to eat (plain that is - not with any of the toppings you can put on it). It was pretty good. Apparently Cassidey & Emily thought it was so good that they had to have seconds. All-in-all it was a great evening spent with my daughter and friends.

Today is not such a great day since we will be saying good bye to our dear friends. They won't be heading home today, but we won't be able to see them for quite awhile. The Bartholomews have played such a huge part in our family. They have been there for us through good times and bad. They are always there with open arms and making us feel a part of their family. We have been so blessed to be their friends, and are grateful this is a friendship that will last FOREVER!LOVE YA! BARTHOLOMEW'S!

Of course one of the entries that would do well with pictures will not happen because I forgot my stinkin' camera - AGAIN! I swear I just need to clip the thing onto my key chain, that way I'll always have it with me.