Thursday, April 17, 2008


Ahhhhh Spring Break. A time for a much need rest from the labors and stresses of school life. A time of staying up late, a time to PAR-TAY with friends, and if your lucky, a time to go somewhere warm -say like Hawaii- especially if you live in the Rocky Mtns., and have had the winter we have had. And if you have really cool parents -which Brett and I so aren't.- Disneyland or better yet, DisneyWorld would make the ultimate Spring Break vacation!

Well, I'm happy to say, the Harward Gang did it ALL! except go somewhere warm, cause well, we're lame and we have 5 kids, bills, and clothes and food to buy, so we stuck with the surrounding attractions. My kids are so jipped. :P Here are our top 20 things we'll remember about SPRING BREAK 2008 !

#1: Spending time together as a family! THE BEST THING OF ALL!

#2: American West Heritage Center's L'il Buckaroo Rodeo & Mutten Busting (in short, cheering for our kids as they hung on for their lives as they rode for over 16 sec. on the back of a sheep!)

#3: Hearing each of the kids BEGGING for us to BUY an animal - any animal, it didn't matter. (sheep, rabbit, chicken, calf, llama - I kid you not, these animals were all for sale.)

#4: Watching the boys try and CATCH a turkey, a chicken, and all other sorts of birds.

#5: Brody's SMILE from ear to ear as he road a horse for the very first time.

#6: Watching Peity RE-INACT scenes from the movie, "FLASHDANCE" as she got her "GROOVE THANG" on at the water fountains at LAGOON!

#7: Seeing the look on Cassidey's face when we told her she was allowed to go off ON HER OWN -WITHOUT parents!

#8: Feeling every MUSCLE in Brody's body SHAKE on each decent of the tidal wave. (I'm thinking he's going to need therapy after that ride.)

#9: Hearing Brody scream, "I WON!" at the end of his turn on the bumper cars!

#10: Laughing our heads off when Stoney, Gunner & Shanna were being CHASED by a wandering GOOSE.

#11: Seeing the excitement on Gunner's face when he realized he was TALL ENOUGH to go on all but 2 rides!

#12: Watching Stoney run through the park like he was on a never ending sugar high - excited that he had made every "HEIGHT RESTRICTION"!

#13: Happy that Brett didn't end up "SPEWING" in one of LAGOON'S trash cans from going "around, and around, and around......"

#14: Seeing the barred white teeth of a SIBERIAN TIGER as he growled, and crouched down, like he was ready to pounce.

#15: Hearing Peity giggle & say, "I have a FUNNY IN MY TUMMY!" as she dropped down from the Dino Egg & Lady Bug Drop rides.

#16: Seeing the LOOK on face as we rode side-by-side on a LAGOON icon - THE CAROUSEL - PRICELESS!

#17: Riding on RATTLESNAKE RAPIDS, again, and again, and again......

#18: Forgetting that the temperature was only 55-DEGREES AFTER we were done riding Rattlesnake Rapids.

#19: Seeing LAGOON'S biggest MONEY MAKER as we came off of Rattlesnake Rapids, a gift shop filled with DRY sweatshirts, DRY t-shirts, DRY ponchos, etc. How convenient!

#20: The LONG WALK back to our car in DRIPPING WET clothes! (I swear we walked over 5 miles!)

#21: Feeling LUCKY we didn't come down with pneumonia. Hypothermia... YES! But pneumonia... no!

#22: Having made some AWESOME MEMORIES with our kids! Again, THE BEST THING OF ALL!

As you can see, Spring Break 2008 was a success! Unfortunately, the kids got ahold of my camera and deleted ALL my pictures, but luckily I still have a few videos to remember this great weekend.


Juli said...

I loved this! Hilarious! This is spring break Haacke style... and I wouldn't have done it any other way. Too bad about the pictures, though.