Sunday, November 2, 2008

We "D.I." for Halloween

Here in Providence, Halloween seems to be as important a holiday as Thanksgiving or Christmas because my kids have been out of school since early Wednesday afternoon. I did hear that the teachers chose not to deal with the whole sugar rush thing their students are on for the day, so they conveniently scheduled parent teacher conference during this time. Man, are they smart! I thought the kids would be sad that they didn't get to wear their costumes to school & have class parties, but they didn't say a word. They were way more excited that they got a 4 1/2 day weekend instead. Hey, their not dumb!

I hate coming up with ideas for costumes, and I hate even more the outrageous cost of the costumes, but this year, being our first Halloween back in Utah, we utilized D.I (Deseret Industries) to the fullest. Normally, in years past, we have spent at least $80 on Halloween costumes - crazy I know, but when you're buying costumes for 5 kids, it starts to add up.

But when we took the kids to DI, they were in costume heaven! All of a sudden, their creative juices began flowing and they picked their costumes all by themselves. So, thanks to those who decided to get rid of these marvelous pieces of clothing, our halloween budget this year was only $9.78! and this was what our kids were transformed into:

Cassidey: A Hoochy Mama

Stoney: An old lady - with boobs, even.
(Top Row - L to R: Garrison Wren - Dracula; Gunner - Nerd)
(Front Row - L to R: Brody - Iron Man; Stoney - Old Lady;
Peyton Wren - Barbie Cheer Leader; Will Wren - Old Lady; Peighton - Gumball Machine)
Gunner: A most excellent nerd.
Peity: A Gumball Machine
Brody: Iron Man
(I was kind-of bummed because Brett & Bill sent the kids out before I could get individual pictures of each of the kids, but at least you get an idea of what they looked like.)

Our kids (along with our good friends, Bill & Jen Wren & their family) had a great evening running from house to house, filling their bags (pillowcases) with as much candy as they could possibly get. I must say, in years past, they got sooooo much candy it was rediculous. What was even worse was that half the candy went to waste because half of the candy was the crappy kind that tasted like wax, or someother unspeakable substance. This year however was completely different. They didn't get near the amount of candy they had in years past, but the size & quality was incredible.

Can's of soda pop, bags of chips, HUGE giant size candy bars (you know, like the 4 x 6 or 7 in candy bars), regular size candy bars, etc. They hit the jack pot! Man, where were these houses when I was growing up. I was totally jipped!

This was Cassidey's first year she didn't go trick or treating with us. She ventured out alone with her friends. They went to a few homes, but decided they wanted to watch a scary movie instead, which turned out to be a lame, disney-like musical of a Cinderella-like story line, starring Selena Gomez. Teenagers!

All-in-all, Halloween '08 was a huge success! The kids didn't stay out late, in fact, Peity came home earlier than everyone else, partly because she was tired, and partly because her costume was falling apart. She kept pooping out "gumball" balloons as she walked from house to house. By the time she got home, her "gumball" supply was almost completely depleted. They all said they had a GREAT time, and they are actually almost finished with their candy! Woo Hoo!

All hail The Great "D.I."!


Juli said...

I so envy the cost of your costumes. This year we did it cheap, though,too. eBay and borrowed items. We got away with only spending $10.

xóchitl said...

it kills me that stoney was an old lady. please tell me his boobs were saggy!

xóchitl said...

cass looks like molly shannon's hoochie momma from SNL who said, "I'm 50! I can kick, stretch, and kick! 'cuz I'm 50!" too funny.

Mandella Green said...

I head they got the ever-livin' motherload of CANDY! That is when my children are required to pay taxes to us! And I agree on the costumes. Enough is enough.
I especially like hoochie mama!