Who ever hasn't facebooked hasn't lived. I discovered it, oh, I don't know sometime back in April or May. When I first joined, I actually thought it was pretty dumb, and I mainly did it cause some of the YW in Colorado had told me about it. My daughter also became a member, so I got on to make sure it was a good site for her to be a part of.
Well, I think I need to start up an fba (facebooking anonamous) group. I swear, it is truly addicting. You think you're gonna get on for just a bit, but then you want to see if anyone knew has joined facebook, you need to look at all your friends pictures and of course comment on them, you need to accept the friend requests that come in, and you need to chat with those facebook friends who are online at the moment. HOLY CRAP! It takes all day to accomplish this. I guess this is why my house looks the way it does and my kids are complaining that they don't have any clean underwear.
I guess I need to do what others do when they have a true addiction - QUIT! COLD TURKEY! I mean, isn't this why blogging was set up? Don't we catch up on those we chat with through our lovely blogs we spend so much time creating & adding to?
But there's just something different about facebooking. I don't quite know what it is, but it's there, and I swear it calls out my name each time I pass by my computer saying, "Cammie, I have a friend for you, don't you want to see who it is? Come on, it will only take a second." And then, wham, it has you reeled in for hours at a time.
Well, no more. I'm putting my foot down right now! I am only going to allow myself to facebook once a month. When that day comes, then I will only be on for 10-minutes. That should do it, that should cut the urge, and fill a need as well. So, anyone else who is feeling the addiction of facebooking, may I challenge you all to do the same thing. Let's ban together and cut this addiction before someone gets hurt.
Oh, who am I kidding, facebook is awesome, and I guess I just have to continue living in filth, cause well, when it comes to friends, you can never have enough - right? Please say yes!