Thursday, March 19, 2009

Feeling Truly Blessed Today!

I have been following the newsposts the past few days concerning actress, Natasha Richardson and the skiing accident she was involved in. At the beginning, when the media listed her in critical condition I wasn't sure how bad her injuries were, since sometimes the media tends to blow things out of proportion. However, her condition was truly critical as I learned this morning from news articles stating that she had passed away last night from a tramatic head injury. All-of-a-sudden this scene hit home like a brick. Thoughts of an accident 18-months ago came reeling through my mind, and I felt truly blessed to have been given a different out-come.

It has now been 18-months since the infamous Dodgeball game in Longmont, CO, where I basically ended up tripping over my feet, falling backwards, and hittting the back of my head on our church gym floor. Just like Ms. Richardson, I too thought I was o.k., saying, "I just had my bell rung a bit, that all, I'll be fine." But again like Ms. Richardson, things changed, my health declined and I had the headache of my life. After tests were ran it was discovered that I had a golf ball sized bleed in the front part of my brain. To make a long story short, I ended up having a 10-day ICU stay in the hospital, where part of that time was spent fight to keep me alive.

I have thanked my Heavenly Father many times over the months, forever grateful that my life was sparred and I was able to continue here on earth being a wife & mother to my family. And although I still have lingering issues, and some things that may never get better, I know the outcome could have been entirely different.

When freak accidents like this occur it really makes you stop and think about what is important and how truly blessed we are, because in the blink of an eye everything can change. I am so grateful to have been given the chance to stay with my family; To have family and friends who stood by to give love, aid and support to Brett & my family during my stay in the hospital; To be blessed to have recovered so well, and knowing that I continue to be blessed everyday; Thanks to so many who continue to give love and support in the aftermath of that difficult time.

Even though I don't personally know Natasha Richardson, my thoughts and prayers go out to their family during this difficult time. She seemed like a wonderful woman, someone who seemed was successful at juggling life with her husband of 14-years, her children, her infamous family & the spotlight. Again, I am eternally blessed and thankful to all of you, and especially to my Heavenly Father.


Juli said...

I've thought about you so much over the past couple of days with the events of Ms. Richardson's passing. This same thing happened to a coworker of mine - so frightening. So glad you're still with us... that you're still with your family. And no more dodgeball, k?

xóchitl said...

it's kind of crazy that we don't recognize just how serious your injury was until something even more tragic happens to someone else. i'm happy to hear that you've remained grateful throughout your recovery. i'm sure brett can't even measure his gratitude.
love you guys.